Existing Loan Calculator
Analyze a loan you're paying off now.

Estimate what it will take to pay off your loan.
Take a closer look at your existing loans. Calculate your remaining balance based on the number of monthly payments remaining. Run a report for a complete payoff schedule of your loan.
Financial Calculators from
Existing loan inputs:Press spacebar to hide inputs |
Current outstanding balance is CURRENT_BALANCE. |
Loan amount
Your original balance when you received this loan.
Monthly payment
Your monthly payment for this loan.
Term in months
Total number of months for this loan.
Interest rate
The interest rate you pay on this loan. This value is calculated based on your monthly payment, loan balance and term.
Months left
Total number of months left to pay on this loan.
Current balance
Your current outstanding balance for this loan. This value is calculated based on the number of months you have remaining to pay.
Important note about these calculators: These calculators are provided by a third party service provider. The figures entered on the input page of these calculators are for hypothetical purposes only. You should enter figures that are appropriate to your individual situation. The results provided by these calculators are intended for illustrative purposes only and accuracy is not guaranteed. BancFirst and its affiliates are not tax or legal advisers. BANCFIRST DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. These calculators are not intended to offer any tax, legal, financial or investment advice and do not assure the availability of or your eligibility for any specific product offered by BancFirst, its affiliates or any other institution, nor do these calculators predict or guarantee the actual results of any investment product. The terms and conditions of products offered by BancFirst will differ and may affect the results of the calculators. Please consult with qualified professionals to discuss your situation.