BancFirst Oklahoma! Photo Contest
- Showcase your community
- Submit creative photographs
- Win up to $250

Grab your camera or smartphone and give us your best shot.
We’re looking for photos highlighting iconic landmarks and locations in our BancFirst communities depicted in a creative, artistic, and interesting way.
Here are the details
- Selected images may be used in a BancFirst community calendar or annual report cover. Images will also be considered for use in lobby exhibits or BancFirst promotional materials.
- Winners will receive a $100 award per winning photograph. If a photo is selected for use on the cover of our annual report, an additional $150 will be awarded. Winners will be notified by e-mail.
- Images will be judged on style, technical excellence, composition, overall impact and artistic merit.
- Each entry must be the work of the person submitting the photo.
- Each contestant can enter up to 5 photos for every BancFirst community.
- Images must be high resolution JPEG images of no more than 10 megabytes that can be reproduced in high quality (300 DPI) printed pieces.
- Images should be at least 11" x 9" (3300 x 2700 pixels) for horizontal format or 9" x 11" (2700 x 3300 pixels) for vertical format.
Before uploading your photos
Please read our complete Rules, Terms, Conditions and FAQs.
For photo contest questions, contact: