Loyalty Checking Account
A long list of extras makes this an extraordinary value.

Savings, value and peace of mind.
Cell phone protection
Accidental Death Insurance
Cash-back rewards
All this for $5? That seems impossible.
At BancFirst, you've come to expect accounts that offer exceptional money management tools. This account offers all those - and much more. For a low monthly fee of just $5, you get a long list of premium benefits.
- Cell phone protection (up to $600 per claim/2 claims per year)*
- Cash-back rewards on everyday purchases with select merchants.
- Roadside assistance (Towing up to 15 miles/3 claims per years)
- Shopping, travel and entertainment discounts
- $20,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (coverage is divided equally between owners)
- First Overdraft Charge per calendar month will be waived**
To learn more or to open a checking account, submit an online application, contact us or visit one of our branches in Oklahoma.
*Cell phone bill must be paid from your Loyalty Checking account.
**For details, please refer to the Truth in Savings Disclosure.
Full account disclosure provided at account opening.
BancFirst Debit Card
Get easy access to your money while earning rewards for every purchase.
- Faster, safer and more convenient
- Emergency card replacement
- Identity theft protection